Elbow Dislocation

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Expert Elbow Dislocation Rehabilitation & Pain Relief | Garden State PT

Experience personalized elbow dislocation rehabilitation and pain relief at Garden State Physical Therapy. Our certified therapists offer tailored treatments to restore elbow function and improve range of motion. Schedule an appointment today!

Premier Elbow Dislocation Rehabilitation & Pain Relief Services

At Garden State Physical Therapy, we prioritize your recovery from elbow dislocation, offering expert rehabilitation and pain relief services. Our certified physical therapists are dedicated to providing personalized treatments to help you regain an active lifestyle after an elbow injury.

Elbow Dislocation Overview:

Elbow dislocations can occur due to various circumstances, such as sports accidents, falls, or car accidents. This condition causes misalignment of the forearm bones (radius and ulna) with the upper arm bone (humerus), resulting in restricted arm movement and discomfort.

Causes of Elbow Dislocation:

The elbow, comprising three bones - humerus, radius, and ulna, along with essential ligaments, can be impacted by falling on an outstretched arm, sports-related impacts, or vehicular accidents. In case of a dislocation, these ligaments may become inflamed, affecting joint stability.

Complex Elbow Dislocations:

Complex elbow dislocations may involve fractures in nearby bones, requiring immediate attention to avoid complications. Seek prompt medical attention if you suspect a complex dislocation. Our skilled therapists will design a tailored recovery plan to guide you through the healing process.

Symptoms of a Dislocated Elbow:

Typical symptoms include elbow pain, limited arm mobility, swelling, and visibly misaligned joints. In rare cases, complications like pinched nerves, osteoarthritis, fractures, or trapped arteries may arise.

Starting the Elbow Dislocation Recovery Process:

For most elbow dislocations, we recommend starting physical therapy immediately. However, in cases of complete dislocation, fractures, or torn ligaments, consult a physician or orthopedist first. After a thorough examination and possible reduction procedure to realign bones, our physical therapy program becomes an essential part of your recovery.

Personalized Elbow Dislocation Treatment at Garden State Physical Therapy:

Garden State Physical Therapy offers personalized physical therapy treatments to ensure a smooth and effective recovery. Our skilled therapists assess your elbow's range of motion and create a tailored exercise program, including strengthening and range-of-motion exercises. Additionally, medication may be prescribed to reduce pain and relax muscles, while splints stabilize the joint during healing.

Why Choose Garden State Physical Therapy:

  1. Certified and experienced physical therapists

  2. Personalized treatment plans for optimal results

  3. Convenient locations in New Jersey

  4. Caring and supportive staff dedicated to your success

  5. Regain a pain-free and active lifestyle

Why Choose Garden State Physical Therapy:

Experience expert elbow dislocation rehabilitation and pain relief at Garden State Physical Therapy. Find our over 100 location or contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Let us help you get back to the life you love!

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